This is the case

The case is this, if you know what the case is then you know what the case may be. Beacuse that is the case, is it not you say? Sir? ...sir? Where did you go!?
Anyway, the case of the Pandoras are arriving! Yes they are. No shut up, they are arriving, I AM getting my Pandora soon so yeah, in your face (especially Tokai), since the Pandora's with the cases is the case of the day, month and year!

The awesomeness of Pandora is the power of the world. Combined!
She's a beauty, isn't she? Yes, she sure is. She's so nice, and awesome... and she's my friend, cause I paid for a year ago, or more, but still, she's soon on her way to my place. And she's gonna be mine, and my Pandora is the best Pandora of them all. Cause she's mine... Beautiful...


She's so cute...

/The Dude

Postat av: Satan

Fyfan vad ful.

2010-03-04 @ 13:34:01
Postat av: tokai

bara tre månader bort nu va? ;)

2010-03-04 @ 17:12:32
Postat av: The Dude

Don't project feelings onto the innocent Pandora!

No man, it's always been two months © away, but nowadays it's arriving soon ©.

2010-03-04 @ 17:19:18
Postat av: Satan

It beats me in ugliness, brosef.

2010-03-04 @ 17:19:52
Postat av: The Dude

The inner beauty of a Texas Instruments OMAP 3 heart beating at a rate of 50 billion clock ticks per minute shines through whatever exterior it uses to represent it's physical shape. Also it's quite comfy to play on, with the keyboard, dual analogue nubs and all. When it comes down to appearance, are you really that shallow, mr. Syla?

2010-03-04 @ 18:22:01
Postat av: Hefader

När ska du ge upp? :)

2010-03-04 @ 18:41:00
Postat av: Emma

Så två månader kvar?

2010-03-04 @ 18:42:43
Postat av: Satan

The monitor is far too small, the ui on the keyboard looks utterly dull.

I'm not shallow at all. I'm simply giving it a comparison, my dear hippie.

2010-03-04 @ 19:03:43
Postat av: The Dude

Give up? That's just ridiculous, it's soon here mate! ;)

User Interface on a keyboard? Ehm, exactly what are you talking about sir? It's a keyboard with a reasonable layout. Where do you see this UI you're talking about?

Far to small? It's just as big as the PSP but with 4 times higher resolution and touch, that's more than enough for me!

2010-03-04 @ 21:37:21
Postat av: Satan




Yes, it's too small.

2010-03-04 @ 22:33:49
Postat av: JL

The Pandora is going to be one of the divine moments of truth when it comes to portable consoles/mini-computers... or whatever it's supposed to be called.


2010-03-04 @ 22:58:21
Postat av: The Dude

Ah I see your point but not where you're getting at. Keyboard mapping is common in new games, and the old retro games it's made to emulate works fine with classical gaming controls (ABXY, LR, START/SELECT, digital pad and nubs).

Well for you maybe my good petty sir, but hell no for me. It's a full Linux pocketcomputer. Fucking awesome.

2010-03-04 @ 22:59:57
Postat av: Satan

The keys are far too tight. If you compare the location of the A compared to a real one, you'll understand my point.

2010-03-04 @ 23:26:56
Postat av: The Dude

Man, it's a thumb keyboard. It's not meant to substitute for a real one, it's meant for convenient quick entries. It's got a USB port, bluetooth and full Linux capabilities so it's easy to connect a real one if that's wanted.

The Pandora is not meant for the mainstream. It's meant to suit ppl like me! ;)

2010-03-05 @ 00:08:53
Postat av: Dardan

It looks shite!

2010-03-05 @ 03:07:10

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